Sunday, June 19, 2011

Parma and Modena

This is the parmigiano reggiano factory we went to. It was about a two hour bus ride from Florence.

This is where the whole process begins. Each of these huge vats only produce two wheels of cheese.

This is where the cheese is put to set. The salt and water mixture is what keeps the cheese sanitary.

This is how the cheese is formed into the wheel.

This is where the cheese is stored until it is ready to be sold. Each block of this cheese sells for between €500 and €700.
A close up of the wheel of cheese! Every stamp has a specific meaning depending on when it was made and when it is ready for sale.

Me and the birthday girl before going into the prosciutto factory! 

The prosciutto during its process of being cured. 

This is the salting process. During this time it is salted and massaged over a period of time. The salt has to be taken off and put back on several times.

Always wanting to take a fun picture!

The tour of the balsamic factory! These barrels are never closed over the twelve years it is aged.

What the inside of the barrel looks like! This is a long drawn out process for it to get to this stage.

The balsamic factory that we toured! The tour guide was very interesting. I found the story about their family history and coat of arms very interesting. I like that it the whole family has a passion for balsamic vinegar making.

These are the bottles of balsamic vinegar sold at this specific factory. The 25 year aged cost €75 and the 12 year aged cost €47. The balsamic vinegar is worth the price. It is very good! 

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